I just recently got back into this account. I noticed a few years ago that there was a thread on /x/ about HaroldsCat and his reign over KinzTube (Webkinz Youtube community). I was too late to contribute to the thread but I still think about it sometimes because this blog was linked there and I have a few things I could add if anyone ever decides to pick up the conversation again.

If anyone wonders about KinzTube, it was an innocent community of mostly very young (between 8-12) kids who made videos about their Webkinz. Sometimes to music, sometimes play-pretend type stories, sometimes vlog format or showing off their collections. It was pretty niche even back then and I'd say everybody basically knew everybody, so any drama that popped up tended to spread out pretty far. At least this is how I remember it. Keep in mind I haven't been on there in nearly ten years and 99% of my old videos are unrecoverable. KinzTube still exists, sort of, but as far as I can tell it's a ghost town these days.

I was active on KinzTube from about 2012-2015, and during that time HaroldsCat was basically inescapable. Of course by now the memories are faded and much of the content has been lost, but I can put down an account here of what I do remember.

He harassed little kids on KinzTube basically just for not joining his bizarre "Royals" cult. Some of the videos gave me a bad gut feeling, seemingly innocuous photos/videos of girls who were either the targets of his harassment or members of the "Royals," but I never saw anything overtly pedophilic. He was also a huge pussy though because one time he put my face in a video (I think in a compilation alongside other kids) and I filed a privacy complaint via YouTube and messaged him that my mom was freaking out. The persona immediately evaporated and he caved with little resistance.

In response to his continued unwanted presence I created a spinoff faction called "The Wolves of Honor" (cringe, yes. I was eleven) that was meant to rally the community against him, because there was really not that much significant community opposition besides people speaking out individually and everyone generally being in agreement that HaroldsCat was weird and annoying. My attempt at opposition was more about entertaining myself and feeling like I was doing something than it was any kind of concentrated effort to get him kicked off the platform. Of course being eleven I failed to realize that taking him so seriously and treating the trolling like some kind of epic war was exactly what he wanted.

I also remember a bunch of weird spinoff accounts floating around, some of which are listed on this site, but I don't actually know if these were HaroldsCat alts or just other trolls/adjacent weirdos. In my digging I found this video: https://youtu.be/ohotC0mOjaA from a guy whose YouTube bio says he's been dealing with HaroldsCat since 2011. He also mentions "QueenGregJock04" in the comments so maybe that really was a HC alt.

If anyone would like to contact me you can email me at [email protected]. It's an ancient email and I don't check it often, but it's important to me that my childhood online persona remains separate from my current self. I know what I've written here isn't incredibly substantive but I think it can be nice to just acknowledge how strange something was alongside someone who experienced the same thing, so if that's you or you have anything you'd like to ask me then my inbox is open.

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